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A little craziness ahead (although I might be the more crazy person thinking any non-crazy person would sit to read all this).

Brain Diarrhea on Cognitive Functions

  • Perceiving (Ni & Ne):
    • Ni (Collective[-informed] organizing): perceives [external?] information internally, usually drawing conclusions; from many to one. “Continuously builds based on prediction/perception/intuition [Hence, the ordered (J) trait]” (Crazy thought/analysis: do more mature INTJs Ni morph into Si [ISTJ: Si>Te>Fi>Ne].
    • Ne (Collective[-informed] gathering): perceives information outwardly; usually forming many possibilities from one. “Continuously creates[or explores?] based on possibilities [Hence, ‘chaos’: the tendency to objectively disrupt status quo, playing devil’s advocate at times with their P-trait]” (HEAR ME OUT! Does an Ni slowly become an Si due to experience as hypothesized above, but the N (dominant intuitiveness) and [suddenly] overwhelmed Se now takes an inferior Ne form?)
  • Observing (Si & Se):
    • Si (Self[-informed] organizing): Observes inwardly to inform on self “Absorbs sensory information to follow/maintain systems and order. [Neglects the self because they’re more focused on people? ISFJ does so due to their dominant secondary Fe: values harmony and comradery; ISTJs due to their dominant secondary Te: their logical approach to knowing this course of action is the most efficient]” (Random thought: “is the INFJ a by-product of an ISFJ [female] and an INTJ [male]? Bear with me on this one for a sec. I mean you have a dominant Ni and secondary Fe which could be explored/informed [i.e. reasoned Ni with Ti and absorbed/poorly tried to make sense of? Fe with Se] growing up through Ti and Se”)
    • Se (Self[-informed] gathering): Observes outwardly to inform on/about/how to engage with? people “Engages through sensory exploration; very aware of their senses [dominant types] or absorbs through their senses [inferior types]—translates to full control vs slightly less control over sensory stimulus? Former seems valid. Not so sure of the latter [Edit: latter seems more plausible now]”
  • Decision making: Thinking (Ti & Te)
    • Ti (self[-informed] logic): Inward thinking to inform conclusions from many. “Chases ‘How it works’ with curiosity and Professes ‘Here’s what works for me[and I don’t think I’m wrong; I could be, but I don’t believe so.] with subjectivity” (So this is why INFJs are always at war with ENTPs; they both have the same Ti cognitive function: both sides chase “how does it work” curiously [in slightly different ways: secondary for ENTP (question everything mode), Tertiary for INFJ—informing/validating a gut feeling?/ underlying logic?], and they both argue “Well, here’s what works for me” subjectively; each unwavering in their “why?” arguments & conclusions [ENTP stronger on their subjective ‘why’, INFJ stronger on their subjective conclusion]—THE ULTIMATE STALEMATE. LMAO. Dominant logic first (TiSi [2-4 combo] able to detach the self to fully focus on the logic) vs dominant people first (FeSe combo—deep awareness/understanding of people which informs their values: altruism [detach self | internal], harmony [focus on people | external]); Shoot! we’re gonna fight—a lot—but we’re actually very alike [Ti>Fe>Si vs Fe>Ti>Se]. Wow!)
    • Te (collective[-informed] logic): Outward thinking to explore possibilities from one. “Chases ‘How should it work’ with Objectivity and ‘what objectively works’ to address the efficiency of any given event/argument”
  • Decision making: Feeling (Fi & Fe)
    • Fi (self[-informed] values): inward feeling with focus on self ? “Chases ‘What do I value’ with subjectivity to inform authenticity and to express sympathy [sometimes picky? I read that somewhere about ESFPs]”
    • Fe (collective[-informed] values): outward feeling with focus on tribe/people. “Chases ‘What brings value[at a given moment/default state of affairs: status quo]’ in an objective manner with the goal of promoting harmony and with/to foster? empathy. [Altruistic/people-pleasing tendencies from a place of empathy to maintain/create social harmony]”